R A Savage & Co, Family Solicitors Blog

Reduction of Legal Aids and Rise of Litigants in Person?

In today's world, money is short. The cost of living is rising and the average salary is staying frustratingly constant. With this in mind it is getting increasingly difficult to get good legal help. The costs rack up quickly. If you have an issue or a problem that needs contesting, be it divorce or custody battles, you can still get legal advice without having to go through all the costly legal proceedings. It used to be that law firms would offer aid in the form of legal services that had been partly (or fully) funded by the public. This, unfortunately, is becoming rarer and rarer.


I am a grandparent; does UK family law afford me any rights?

Going through a divorce can be a difficult period for the two parties involved; especially any children that happen to be caught in the crossfire however, the needs of the grandparents are often neglected. The parents of the divorcees have little rights when it comes to seeing their grandchildren. This can be a painful time for them.